Peer Helpers PLUS Program

Peer Helpers PLUS is a comprehensive, peer-to-peer prevention and support program. Our mission is to empower students to be academically, socially, and emotionally successful; to recognize and resolve conflict; to value diversity; and to be advocates for positive change and healthy choices.

Explore this page to learn more about the Peer Helpers PLUS program, and how you can implement it in your own school system.

At ThriveWay, our Peer Helpers PLUS program stands as a beacon of hope and support for the mental health and well-being of our youth. Represented by a bright, multicolored hand with our emblem—a white compass and sun—at its center, our logo and branding encapsulates our core values and mission.

Education is at the heart of what we do. Just as ABCs, 123s, and colors form the building blocks of early learning, we believe that a solid foundation is crucial for personal development. This is in line with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which underscores the importance of foundational support for growth and achievement.

We value people. Much like paint in an artist’s hands, life is fluid and ever-changing. No single color can capture the richness of human experience or the potential for a brighter future. Our multicolored hand symbolizes the range and movement inherent in life’s journey, aligning perfectly with ThriveWay’s tagline: Transforming Lives - Brightening Futures.

Support is paramount. Life presents a myriad of opportunities and challenges, from extracurricular activities and career paths to personal losses and academic hurdles. We believe in the power of mentorship. Every individual deserves a trusted guide—be it a parent, family member, teacher, friend, or classmate—to help navigate life's uncertainties. Our emblem, featuring a compass and sun, symbolizes this guidance and the promise of a hopeful direction.

Through Peer Helpers PLUS, ThriveWay is committed to fostering environments where youth can thrive, advocate for one another, and build brighter futures together.

Program Details

Peer Helpers PLUS Program

Peer Helpers PLUS is an evidence-based program that takes a comprehensive, two-tiered approach to promoting the mental health of our youth, as well as reducing youth violence and suicide.

Tier 1 includes detailed prevention education for all students. Tier 2 teaches a diverse group of students (grades K-12) a core set of skills to help them identify, communicate with, and support their at-risk classmates.

The program covers many of the issues that affect our youth today, such as: bullying, divorce, family illness, body image, grief and coping, mental health and depression.

Download our Peer Helpers PLUS brochure for more information.

Peer Helpers PLUS Concept

When a young person is seeking help, validation, or guidance, they will likely reach out to their peers for support long before turning to an adult. The Peer Helpers PLUS program uses its 2 components, prevention and support, to prepare and empower our youth to advocate for one another, so they can continue to make a positive impact on each other.

Peer Helper PLUS Roles

Peer Helpers offer their fellow students encouragement and assistance with the emotional, societal, behavioral, and educational challenges that they face in day-to-day life.

They serve as tutors, mentors, mediators, and advocates for their peers. They also assist new students in transitioning between schools and communities.

Peer Helpers PLUS Impact

The Peer Helpers PLUS program has helped students to stay in school and graduate, avoid risky behaviors, and decide against suicide. It has helped administrators become aware of students' home situations that required intervention from social services. This program has helped students continue in school while they were homeless, thrive after drug overdoses, overcome bullying, improve their grades, and get connected to other students for the first time in their lives.

Peer Helpers serve as role models and assistants to youth who may not have either at home. Peer Helpers can fill the void for students who need time and attention to help guide them through their education.

Program Tiers

The Peer Helpers PLUS program consists of three components which address Prevention & SEL (Tier 1) and Student Support (Tier 2) of the School-Based Mental Health Model, as well as The Peer Helpers Portal for data driven decision making.

Peer Helpers Program - 3 tiers explained

Click the image to view a larger version.

2022 - 23 Program Improvements

Experienced Coordinators will have a one-day Annual Workshop to reflect on the previous year, learn about new program enhancements, and plan for the new school year. 

Updated K-12 Prevention and Awareness for Total Health (P.A.T.H.) curriculum to keep it current with the times.

New Positive School-wide Campaigns are turn key campaigns for Peer Helpers to boost school climate and the P.A.T.H. messaging.

New Tools to utilize during the Peer Helpers Core Skill for all levels.

Tier 1:

The charts below show the number of times each individual prevention topic is addressed within each grade level curriculum or unit. Click one of the images to view a larger version.

Tier 2:

Start Your Own Program

The Peer Helpers PLUS program can be implemented as an extra-curricular club or an elective course. Instituting this program not only helps schools meet state mandates, but does so in an effective and efficient manner that truly touches the lives of our youth.

Select an item from the list below to learn more about our implementation standards. Follow the link to learn more about bringing our Peer Helpers program into your own school system.

Learn more

Implementation Standards

The District Planning Meeting is designed for instrumental district level staff to gather and explore the 3 components of the Peer Helpers PLUS program, understand the program alignments with requirements, and develop a customized district plan. This district plan will guide the School Leadership Teams when establishing focused goals, selecting Program Coordinators, and laying out the program delivery methods. Peer Helpers is a multi-tiered prevention and support program for K-12 that we look forward to introducing to your district.

 Recommended attendees: any key district level staff in areas of prevention, intervention, counseling, mental health, support services
 This is a half-day training
 Maximum of 4 seats per LEA
 Bring computer to meeting

The School Leadership Workshop is designed to share the district planning meeting large goals and develop tailored plans for each school. Attendees will establish focused goals, select Program Coordinators, and lay out program delivery methods for their schools. Peer Helpers PLUS is truly a program which can enhance school climate and culture while meeting many requirements and support the needs of individual students.

 Recommended attendees: Principal/ Assistant Principal, Lead Counselor, Intervention Specialist, Classroom Educator(s).
 This is a half-day training
 Maximum of 4 seats per school
 Bring computer to meeting

Minimum of three coordinators per school must attend all 3 parts of the Coordinator Training (2 Peer Helpers support coordinators and 1 P.A.T.H. coordinator). Attendees must complete all 3 parts to receive completion certificate as a Certified Peer Helpers Coordinator.

Part 1: Coordinators Webinar “Introducing the Program” This 1-hour self-paced webinar provides general understanding of the program components with clear explanation of a P.A.T.H. Coordinator & Peer Helpers Coordinators role. Questions are integrated in the webinar to ensure participants comprehend the program’s purpose and methodology.

Part 2: Coordinators In-Person “Launching the Program”
This day of training explores the relationship of the P.A.T.H. implementation and student Peer Helpers support roles. This training dives deep in P.A.T.H. planning as well as the Peer Helper selection process and the core skills training. Lastly, Coordinators will be granted Portal access to obtain the P.A.T.H. curriculum and the Peer Helpers implementation and training materials. This is a full day training in which attendees must bring a computer. There is a maximum of 4 seats per school.

Part 3: Coordinators In-Person “Working the Program”
Attendees will discover the various roles of student Peer Helpers and specific ways to utilize Peer Helpers to support students. Peer Helper led school-wide campaigns to boost the P.A.T.H. curricula will be explored. Portal training lessons and logging activities with scenarios will also be covered. Each school will customize their program plan to meet the desired goals of their District Planning Team as well as the focused goals of the School Leadership. This is a full day training in which attendees must bring a computer. There is a maximum of 4 seats per school.

The Peer Helpers PLUS program subscription includes:
P.A.T.H. prevention curriculum, for school grade levels of the school
The multipart Peer Helpers student support materials at the appropriate level of Primary or Secondary, including:
Implementation Documents
Core Skill Training Curriculum (Secondary Level also receives Course Curriculum)
Role Development Training and Tools
Peer Helpers Portal access for district, school, coordinator, and Peer Helper level users, with no limit to the number of users per school
Activity log tracking capabilities
Data reporting on all users, activities, assessments, and surveys
Unlimited support from a designated Program Coach

The Experienced Coordinators’ Annual Workshop is designed for Certified Peer Helpers Program Coordinators. Attendees will review the program implementation and impact of the previous year, explore the new program enhancements, and develop tailored plans for the
upcoming school year. 

Recommended attendees: Program Coordinators which have completed the New Program Coordinator Training Series.

 This is a full day training

 Maximum of 4 seats per school

 Bring computer to meeting

Peer Helpers PLUS Portal

The Peer Helpers PLUS Portal is our secure, cloud-based support tool that houses the program Curriculum, Resources and Activity Logs. The Portal is FERPA and COPPA compliant.

Coordinators and Peer Helpers use the Portal to log their support activities, and generate valuable reports to assess the impact of the program, and the mental health needs of the students on each campus.

Click the image to view/download the full example of the Peer Helpers Portal dashboard and data collection available for Program Coordinators and School Administrators.

National Peer Program Conference

February 18th-19th & February 20th-21st, 2025

Check Back for More Information and Registration

Program Evidence

The successful impact of the Peer Helpers program is backed by evidence. View our collection of case studies, articles, and references to learn more about how our program improves school climate, and the effectiveness of implementing Peer Helpers in your own school system.

Explore Evidence