Our Advisors

Our advisors are a collective group of individuals from within and outside the educational community. This team consists of subject matter experts, educators, and parents with unique skills, experience, education, and expertise in their respective fields.  Advisors partner with the curriculum team to provide in-depth knowledge, guidance, and recommendations to cultivate a current, accurate, impactful, engaging, and applicable curriculum to foster total mental health for all students.  This group also reviews the resource materials designed for educators and parents.  The team’s overall goal is to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to navigate life’s obstacles successfully.

Subject Matter Expert

Andrea Christenberry

Subject Matter Expert

Jenni Goolsby

Advisory Committee

Kyleen Edger

Advisory Committee

Bobby M. Hall, Ed.S.

Advisory Committee

Latorya Hawthorne


Kimberly Foster


Annessa Jenkins

Secondary Parent Representative

Katherine Courter