Acts of Service Contest

Has your peer-to-peer prevention & support program transformed lives & brightened futures in your school community? We want to hear about it! We are currently accepting nominations on how your Peer Helpers PLUS program has truly made a difference in the lives of youth.
4 Categories for Nomination
A Creative P.A.T.H. -
Inventive ways the P.A.T.H. component was implemented in the school (effective introduction for the faculty, creative delivery of student lessons, examples of school-wide participation, methods in which peer helpers supported the lessons, innovative process of parent communication) |
Show the Way: Mass Inspiration -
Campaigns or Group Activities that sparked a positive school climate. MUST be something that directly impacted the students/climate in your school environment. Particularly how peer helpers are using their core skills while sharing the resources for campaigns and initiatives in the portal. *Not Community Outreach Projects. |
Be the Good: Meet the Need -
Impact on Peer Helpers/Positive Change Peer Helpers - testimonial of the impact being a PH has had on them. (what they’ve learned, key take-aways, how they have grown, what it has meant to them to be trained and able to help others) Coordinator - testimonial on key take-aways and the positive impact Peer Helpers Plus has had within their schools. (growth seen in PHs, connections made, trusting relationships built….) *Submission needs to be 90 sec or less video clips. |
Lend a Hand: Successful Connections/Peer Helper Support -
(mentors, tutors, buddies) Peer Helper - testimonial of how making a connection with a peer student and working one-on-one impacted them. *Submission can be 90 sec or less video OR handwritten letter. Peer Student - testimonial of their experience with a Peer Helper. The need>the support>the result. |
The entry period will be from February 17 - April 15.
Winners will be announced in May!
Previous Winners please graciously wait 2 years to resubmit.
All submissions MUST be logged in the Peer Helpers PLUS portal.